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Video Reveals: Best-Selling Author's Expert Secrets on Marketing Your Knowledge Online
You'll find the secrets to...
  • How to become seen as the expert in your market
  •  How to create a large group of people who will want to pay you for your advice and products
  •  How to use sales funnels and automation to convert people to satisfied paying customers 
We ALL have an inner expert!
This book will be your route map for finding yours and learning how to market your knowledge profitably online - people WILL pay for the expertise you already have!
This is a physical, hard copy book with 268 pages of great content that will be mailed to you.
Expert Secrets book
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Expert Secrets and get your free copy 
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Robert Kiyosaki on Expert Secrets

Author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"
"Expert Secrets is the map that will allow you to turn your specialised knowledge, talents  and abilities into a business that will work for you!  This is one of the shortcuts of the new rich."
(RK wrote the foreward to the new book)

Anthony Robbins on DotCom Secrets

NLP Trainer and Motivation Speaker
Russell has spent over a decade successfully starting and scaling companies online. This book takes the best of what he's discovered from over 1,000 unique split tests, tens of millions of visitors online and broken it down into a simple process that ANY company can use to geometrically improve their traffic, conversions and sales online.
If you run a business, or want to, you really need this book as it will change the whole way you think about what you do and make it work a lot better.
I am Keith Milsom and I have been working full-time in online marketing for nearly 20 years, running my own e-commerce business which you can see at as well as consulting and presenting on a wide range of marketing and business topics.
Anything Left-Handed
a while ago I read a book that completely blew me away and opened up my eyes to how to really do this properly and it is by applying the concepts in this book that I have finally had some real success improving the profitability of my business AND working less. 
DotCom Secrets Book
DotCom Secrets by Russell Brunson was about how to structure your products and pricing and then use  use sales funnels and marketing automation to dramatically increase the profits of your business.  The ideas, approaches and tools in that book have helped me a huge amount (click here to find out more about it if you haven't seen it before - I can recommend it very highly!).
Russell's new book, Expert Secrets, takes it to a whole new higher level and refines and develops the approaches based on the combined experience of thousands of people who have actually put these ideas into practice over the past few years.
You can get a copy of Expert Secrets FREE - it is a physical hard-copy book of 268 pages that will be posted to you and you only have to cover the delivery cost - this will be one of the best investments you ever made if you take the time to read it and actually apply the ideas to your business.
Keith Milsom
Expert Secrets presents powerful ideas as simple diagrams!
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